Do you consciously think about the deodorant that you buy?

Random question, but not so random really when you have been for breast screening and you start to consider your breast health.

Personally, I have never thought about it till I had my thermogram and they gave me some things to consider for breast health. I have never been a fan of sprays and mainly use roll-on….my preference.

Let’s take a look at some interesting information, knowing that you always have a choice in what you buy and use and it’s entirely up to you.

Why do we use deodorant? You definitely know when someone isn’t wearing any. In fact, that day of my Mammograms, ultrasound and biopsy it was a request that you didn’t wear any deodorant and I could smell my BO oozing from my armpits by the end of the day! It wasn’t that bad but it was there.

Here are some facts about deodorant from Wikipedia


Are they safe? Well like anything you put on your body, you need to ask that question and do your own research. I’m not going to give you my opinion here as it doesn’t matter. What works for my skin and my body will not be the same as yours.

The whole point of writing this is to have you question what conscious decisions you make when it comes to your body. Deodorants contain all sorts of shit and what did they use before it all became so commercialised? Have a read of this great article on historic deodorants. Egyptians used carob, incense, and even porridge.

There’s one thing about making decisions for yourself and your body but what about when your children want to start using deodorant? I know for me, I want the least toxic, natural one that will work for our daughter. So far, I’m still trying to find one that I like better than the good old roll one that I have used for over 20 years.

Start questioning people! You have the power of choice.

Love to hear your thoughts:)