Last October I started the Artist’s Way course with a group of women in Queenstown. The Artist’s Way provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self. Part of this course is writing 3 pages daily (morning pages), and yesterday I started reading these for the first time. One of the exercises was to write a letter from my 80-year-old-self to my 8-year-old self. I haven’t read it till now, so I thought I would share:)
How beautiful, magical and perfect you are. Don’t change to try and fit in or to be like someone else. The only person you need to be is YOU, and do the best job of being her.
Life will teach you constantly. Stay open and be willing to learn. Feel. There is never an inappropriate place to express your emotions. Part of being human is to allow things to come full circle. There will be times when you have to fight and push for what you believe in. Enjoy moments of silence and stillness which make space for new things to come your way. Create movement to push the stagnant energy within that wants to keep you playing small and prevent you from progressing in the game of life.
Be true to yourself. Kindness and love always win and sometimes are harder to maintain in times of disappointment and tragedy, but believe that you have come into this world for a short time and will leave this world once again to be with the universe and part of the bigger picture. There is no end, just a continuation of the infinite love you were brought here with that has grown from being nurtured and through experiences.
Have fun. You are here for joyful expansion and you can choose to view the world through whichever frames you wish.
Give where you can but always give to yourself first. Take time to just be and enjoy the stillness and the expansion that comes with that.
Always remember the things that brought you joy as a child. The freedom to create, play, laugh, move on, express how you are feeling, be vulnerable, learn, try new things, fail, grow, find your style, push boundaries, learn about yourself, learn about your friendships, and above everything else, RELAX.
Eat what you want and enjoy your vegetables. Make connections with the earth and your environment. Find your purpose. Fart and burp because they are funny. Stay up late or get up early. Be grateful for sleep and create good habits. Don’t overthink.
You are unique. There is no one else like you and never will be.
I love you