Support – ask the question

Support – ask the question

I had the pleasure of talking with the Otago Regional Business Partner Network about Wellbeing and how we can best approach our current situation in Queenstown and the surrounding areas. Keep things clear and simple was my advice. For the past 2 years, it’s been...
Gratitude changes Attitude

Gratitude changes Attitude

Gratitude…. It’s simple, free, mindful, effective, and creative. So why do it in the workplace? With our busy lifestyles and minimal time to pause and reflect, gratitude brings you into the present moment being aware and appreciative of everything you have and not...

There have been so many lessons I have learnt starting a business. The biggest takeaway is being true to who I am, knowing my purpose and my clientele. Success comes when you own who you are….. When you are not trying to be someone else or copy another’s model of...
Collaboration or Competition?

Collaboration or Competition?

It amazes me at nearly 40 that competition is rife among women. All my life I have had people try to bring me down just because I was good at something or successful in my area of work. I really don’t need anyone else trying to sabotage my success as I do a pretty...
Making conscious decisions

Making conscious decisions

Do you consciously think about the deodorant that you buy? Random question, but not so random really when you have been for breast screening and you start to consider your breast health. Personally, I have never thought about it till I had my thermogram and they gave...