Ask for help

Ask for help

It’s not easy taking a selfie of my bruise on my boob! This marks the spot of my biopsy last Thursday. If you have read my 2 previous blogs, you will be up to play on where I’m at after finding a lump on my breast in February 2020. The day: Drive to...
Healing my emotions through illness

Healing my emotions through illness

Why don’t we openly talk about things such as thrush/candida? Is it because we feel dirty that we have such infections or because the word Vagina can make people comfortable even though half of the world has one? Actually, Candida was the turning point in my career...
MY, body, MY truth part 2

MY, body, MY truth part 2

So what were the results? This is as per my notes that I requested, yes you are entitled to these! Clinical – Small lump medial (closest to the centre of your chest) left breast. Report – A focused ultrasound of the left medial breast was performed. The...
MY body, MY truth part 1

MY body, MY truth part 1

I want to share something very personal with you all. Everything I’m about to say is based on my own opinions and experiences and as with anything in life, you should see how it resonates with you based on your belief systems and what is true for YOU. In February I...