Why don’t we openly talk about things such as thrush/candida? Is it because we feel dirty that we have such infections or because the word Vagina can make people comfortable even though half of the world has one?

Actually, Candida was the turning point in my career now that I reflect on it….more on that one later:)

There is so much more to Candida if you are willing to dive deeper…into your emotions that is!

Just to clarify once again, this is not medical advice just my experience and how I choose to view the world and illness.

I have recently had Candida….the worst I have ever had!  It’s not pleasant, to say the least, but I know it was trying to tell me something, to heal me in some way. For me, this is something being brought to the surface to look it.

So I sat will it on several occasions. Some of the emotions included being burnt as a wee baby all round my bum and vagina when my Mum put me into a bath and forgot to run the cold water…..doh!  We have always laughed about this but actually, I could now feel the guilt my Mum would have felt when this happened. No judgement here for my Mum only empathy as I’m sure she was sleep-deprived and anyone who can relate knows that it makes you do crazy shit! I was the 3rd child under 5 and Mum did the best she could at that moment. Still, my poor vagina!

Then the memories of childbirth with our daughter surface. The tears came and my only regret was that I didn’t scream all the way through it. So in my mind, I screamed as my face scrunched up and my chest tightened.  I’m guessing I couldn’t scream as I felt like I had no voice, I hadn’t for some time. I didn’t surrender; I was fighting it all the way…trying to remain in control….so unconnected to my breath, body and being. What a release.

I guess my point here is that illness/infection isn’t always bad it’s just how we are taught to perceive them. Without Candida on this occasion, I wouldn’t have been able to acknowledge and release these emotions and heal the wounds of my past which could ultimately manifest in other ways.

I thank my vagina for the beautiful gift of delivering our daughter into this world and being the passage between the 2 worlds. And I thank Candida for helping me to heal and continue to enhance my belief in the fact that we can heal ourselves if we take our power back and take the time to really listen to what it is that our body needs.

Yay for Vaginas!