I attended a dance workshop over the weekend, not my normal go-to of events. My days of dancing have been limited to alcohol-fueled nights at the walkabout pub in London when I was in my 20s and Friday night Israeli dancing at summer camp.
I have always admired dancers. Their ability to be fully present with themselves and become one with the music
At first, I felt out of place to say the least. Sticking to my own little corner and space, trying to release the judgment of myself and others. The more I allowed myself the freedom and curiosity to move, the more I settled into myself and the experience.
Over the weekend I witnessed three things that emotions need to release:
1. A safe space
2. Allow yourself to be vulnerable opening-up
3. Let go
We become accustomed to holding on and as we do our bodies become more rigid and stagnant. You don’t see a tree holding on to its leaves not wanting to let them go. They trust that by shedding the old, it allows space for growth and new beginnings