22 days till the New Year!
Going from one year to the next is like moving house or ending a relationship.
For a smooth transition and to leave the past where it belongs, try some of the following:
🫧Clear and sort through your stuff
🫧Create space in your home, phone, computer, office, closet
🫧Let go of what no longer serves you including people, habits, and beliefs
🫧Plan for what you want for the upcoming months
🫧Celebrate your successes from this year
🫧Reflect on what you learned
🫧Forgive others
🫧Forgive yourself
🫧Get creative – vision boards, art, doddle, write, dance, sing, sew, cook, garden
🫧Move things around
🫧Move your body
🫧Take time to imagine and dream of what your life could look like
🫧Review your values
🫧Revisit where you thrive
🫧Bring Awareness to where you are at and accept it
🫧Take baby steps towards what you want….the little things matter