I had a car accident on Friday, nothing major but it shook me up and I have felt the effects since.

My body was stuck in the stress response for years and this became its default. On Friday, my system went back to doing what it has done best….stress. My usual maintenance regime of walking, journalling, tapping, and breathing hasn’t been cutting it. I have felt tired, anxious, and nauseous. A very familiar and uncomfortable feeling. With all these tools in my kit, I still can’t find the sense of calm to go about my normal routines without forgetting what it is I’m doing.

This accident has been added on top of 2 recent bereavements, so I was already in a heightened state. My circumstances are no different to what many are dealing with daily, the only difference is that I recognise the signs and symptoms and what I need to regain balance.

I’m taking a few days off and focusing on myself. Reducing any distractions and focusing on regulating my nervous system. Even as I write this, I feel a sense of ease come over me for doing one of the things I love, writing and putting a schedule in place.

I get it, not everyone can take time off work, but you can always prioritize yourself.

đź“ŚEat well focusing on the foods that give YOU energy remembering that everyone is different

đź“ŚFocus on your breath as often as you can. I like this free app. You can set a time to remind you as often as you like and focus on your breath for 90 seconds. Breathe: https://havabee.com/breathe

đź“ŚGet out and walk. It’s free and allows you time to process your thoughts and feelings

đź“ŚGet creative. Dance, sing in the car at the top of your lungs, write, play, draw, scribble

đź“ŚStick to your boundaries and say NO to anything that doesn’t fill your cup. That includes events, people, overtime

đź“ŚBe. How often do you just sit in stillness, nothing to do except be present in that moment. Allow yourself to daydream and your imagination take flight.

Understanding how the stress response works and recognising the signs and symptoms of being stuck in this cycle was the turning point of my recovery from Chronic Fatigue and Anxiety. Without this knowledge, I would still be putting plasters on wounds that would never heal.

If you want to know more, I have a workshop called: THE IN’S & OUT’S OF STRESS. Send me a message here or email chenin@cre8ingbalance.com for more details.

“Loved the workshop.  You’re a natural!” – Damian Chaparro Aroha Retreat

“your presentation was a hit! The stand out was the credibility and knowledge that you brought to the room yet ensured everyone felt part of the presentation and not just being “talked at”. I also really liked that everyone walked away with something they could use” – Quentin EMS conferences Australia