We are consuming at rates greater than our ability to process. The amount of choices we have and the information that is coming to us via phone, email, social media, and tv is creating an underlying stress in our system. One where we feel the need to respond a.s.a.p. or watch every informative technique or modality to find the answers to make our lives easier and better. We are searching outside ourselves to find the answers that lie within.

So what can you do? Let’s not spend time and energy focusing on the problem and let’s identify the solution. In 3 easy steps. Let’s not overcomplicate this as we do with so much of our life.

  1. Clarify
  2. Simplify
  3. Delete

Start by taking 2 minutes to focus on what you want and how you want to feel. Name 3 things for each

  1. Clarify
  • what is it that you are after.
  • What information will benefit you in your personal and professional life?
  • How much and when do you want to consume this?
  1. Simplify
  • Identify who you are following or subscribed to and why and see if they align with your goals/lifestyle/focus for 2023
  1. Delete
  • Delete anyone and everyone who doesn’t align with your intentions for this year

There is no set amount of people you should follow or time allotment. We are all individuals and therefore can make these decisions ourselves to suit our needs and lifestyle.