Stuck in the Stress Response

Stuck in the Stress Response

I had a car accident on Friday, nothing major but it shook me up and I have felt the effects since. My body was stuck in the stress response for years and this became its default. On Friday, my system went back to doing what it has done best….stress. My usual...
Letting go

Letting go

I attended a dance workshop over the weekend, not my normal go-to of events. My days of dancing have been limited to alcohol-fueled nights at the walkabout pub in London when I was in my 20s and Friday night Israeli dancing at summer camp. I have always admired...
Purpose, Why or Reason

Purpose, Why or Reason

I have been working with a coach for the past 11 weeks and I have one final session this Wednesday. It was an investment to support every area of my life and I am sad that it is coming to an end. Supporting others is what I love to do, but I need support too. It’s...
Intrinsic Validation

Intrinsic Validation

I was asked to judge some awards for a company recently and I thought what a wonderful initiative this is. Who doesn’t love to be recognised and appreciated for the work they do. The pat on the back & acknowledgement amongst your peers. It’s been installed...
Look for the signs

Look for the signs

The number 13 may be unlucky for some, but for me it was just what I needed to see yesterday before attending a friends remembrance ceremony I have studied numerology and have always had a love for numbers since I was a kid. They make sense to me. They let me know...